Author Thread: Rush Limbaugh's battle to say in talk radio.

Rush Limbaugh's battle to say in talk radio.
Posted : 8 Feb, 2009 09:11 AM

Ronald Reagan described him as "the number one voice for Conservatism in our country" while, during the Clinton era, the National Review magazine grandly dubbed him the "leader of Conservative Principles".

Broadcasting from what he describes as a "heavily fortified bunker" in Palm Beach, Florida, Limbaugh has been America's most listened-to talk show host since the mid-1990s.

President Obama warned Republicans on Capitol Hill today that they need to quit listening to radio king Rush Limbaugh if they want to get along with Democrats and the new administration.

"You can't just listen to Rush Limbaugh and get things done," he told top GOP leaders, whom he had invited to the White House to discuss his nearly $1 trillion stimulus package.

To get the silence-Limbaugh campaign going, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee yesterday (January 27) launched a petition drive urging people to �EXPRESS [THEIR] OUTRAGE ABOUT RUSH�S COMMENTS� that stated his hope that Obama�s socialistic plans will fail. This followed a warm up led by assorted news anchors, pundits, and celebrities denouncing Limbaugh in the media.

Why should we be concerned? Well first of all Rush Limbaugh is a private citizen, not a politician. We as private citizens have the right to free speech. Obama and the liberal Democrats are launching a petition to silence Limbaugh just because they do not want or like to hear what he has to say. Even if one personally does not care for Limbaugh, we should all be concerned with losing the Freedom of Speech that is granted to us in the Constitution.

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Rush Limbaugh's battle to say in talk radio.
Posted : 18 Feb, 2009 08:01 AM

Listen to Rush isn't the problem... the immoral views of the left is the problem. And we christians who know to do right, and don't are the problem.

Rush speaks some truths, but he is not all knowing, and has his own agenda in play, AND BELIEVES TOO MUCH OF HIS OWN FOOLISHNESS. But what God speaks, Obama nor can anyone stop, if we were following what's already written in the WORD!

Yeah, Leon... its all IN THE BOOK!....:glow::dancingp:


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Rush Limbaugh's battle to say in talk radio.
Posted : 19 Feb, 2009 10:54 PM

What do you mean "Nobody votes according to their spiritual convicts, biblical beliefs or God's moral standards in His word anymore. "

Where were you when Prop 8 passed in Kalifornia? The Mormons and Catholics were behind that and it was the Catholic Latinos and Black Baptist that voted for it!!!!

Now look at what is happening....filthy disease ridden queers are attacking Mormon churches....Even Sarah's church.

I want you to notices that those queers will attack a Mormon church...but they dare not go into a Black Baptist church in East LA. We all know why too.

But hey...the voters spoke! They said "Marriage is between a man and woman" and it was spiritual convicts of Catholic Latinos and Black Baptist!!!!

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Rush Limbaugh's battle to say in talk radio.
Posted : 14 Sep, 2009 02:52 PM

Wow... some of this stuff is scary. I at least want to get married and have a family and live life before the end is here.. lol Not that it is bad when He comes for us, but the whole tribulation/government thing just freaks me out. Btw, Sarah would be awesome! I'd LOVE to see her pretty face all the time! haha I think Hillary Clinton is jealous. She should be in my opinion... lol Anywho, RUSH. I listen to the guy quite often. Half the things he says-I believe- are to make a point. I cannot pinpoint the offensive things he can say, but obviously he has the right to do so, as I do, he just says it in a microphone, and broadcasts it.

One thing that really gets me, because it is not the case at all, when anybody- ANYBODY makes a comment, or says they don't like something Obama does, they have to use the race card. The 'race card' is when you are accused of being racist, or people get wide eyed and "sshhhhhh" because you're being racist.. no... I just want to choose my doctor... does anybody notice that? Yeah, racism is terrible, I hate it, it need not exist, but come on, ppl didnt like bush, ppl dont all like obama, in fact the idea that some DO NOT like obama as our leader, says something... it says that they don't 'like' him because of his race. Many democrats do not like him leading our country. Me? I'm neutral. It is too soon to decide. I can only sit back and pray for an honest government. (contradicting...) LOL I feel the race issue, is that everyone wants equality,but.... why are people making it UNequal by claiming so many race comments, that really had no racial intention whatsoever. Jesus loves us, like the song "...yellow blue or black or white we are prescious in His sight..." honest government.. lol but Rush gets a lot of negative reviews that many people are not necessarily offended, they are just looking for opportunities to get him out. Yeah, ok, he can be rude. But that is part of keeping the audience- tons of people listen, dont they? He is prideful, because he is successful, he boasts a bit too much I will say, but whatever. You're not gonna get a perfect talk show host. ever. You risk a lot by doing this. Once you start talking, it's just- you're off!

With this post I have only good intentions. If I offended anybody, I trust you will make that clear to me, and you can say what it was, as I am not intending to offend anybody. Mahy the Holy Spirit wash over all whom read this, and beyond, and may the Holy Spirit move within you, so your body produces His will. >

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