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I don't respect the Military!
Posted : 21 Aug, 2010 01:35 AM

First of all, i want to say i have the utmost respect for all the men and women in the military. There is no greater heroism than being ready to die for what you believe.

Troops from my country are fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan trying to aid the US Army. We do understand the honor of a soldier, as we have experienced the tragedies of war ourselves throughout history.


I can't agree with everything you guys wirte here. You must have some very simple and subjective history books in USA to claim that the Americans have saved the world many times.

The First World War (1914-1918): Great Britiain mobilized almost 9 million troops (almost 1 million died), France mobilized 8 million troops (1,3 million died), Russia mobilized 12 million troops (1,7 million died)... USA mobilized about 4 million troops (126 thousand died). Even Italy managed to mobilize more troops than USA. There are only few things worse than trying to lie about historical facts. The Americans fought bravely and gave their lives and I totally respect that, but it was not them who "saved the world", it was the ENTENTE forces, including USA. America's contribution was not really that big, certainly not crucial.

The Second World War (1939-1945): again i could give you some REAL information about the troops and casualties but thats not the point here. The point is, USA was just a part of the ALLIED forces fighting the Nazi Germany. Dont forget about Russia, Britian etc. Think what would have happened if the Russians hadn't fought the Nazis on the Eastern Front... I do agree that American soldiers fought bravely, just like any other soldier from other countries. They all should be respected equally.

One of you guys here suggested reading some history books. I humbly suggest the same to you.

The Cold War: I'm with you on this one, USA should be given full credit for trying to stop communism from spreading across Europe. However, it was not done for the sake of other nations but as means of self-defense against Soviet Union growing stronger. It was the so-called "balance of power" policy, introduced by Great Britian and continued by the USA after WW2.

Because of my utmost respect for the honor of American and Polish soldiers fighting and dying in Iraq and Afghanistan I will refrain from sharing some key facts about the conflict in Iraq. As i said before, giving your life for what you believe is ultimate heroism.

my regards


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Advice please...
Posted : 21 Aug, 2010 12:37 AM

First comes fondness, then love and then the physical stuff. If the man is a man of God, he knows that.


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Be A Man
Posted : 21 Aug, 2010 12:12 AM

I totally agree that men of God should always take the initiative. Women feel safe around men who stay active. They know the men will make the necessary decisions, react, protect etc. The presence of a woman is a kind of inspiration which the man turns into action.


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The Life of a Flower
Posted : 8 Jun, 2010 09:29 PM

Doesn't really matter. It is the symbolism that counts :)